Sunday, September 12, 2010

His Provision

Free Air Conditioner Right Out of the Blue!
A couple of weeks ago our window unit in the living room, which is used to cool 90% of our living space, stopped working properly.  We took it out, replaced it with a window fan and started shopping around.  Not only were we not able to find a new one in our price range, but all the stores we went to were sold out and not restocking since it was late in the season.  Being the end of the season, Emily and I resigned to fans, pulled blinds during the day, and open windows at night.  The first week without it was OK, the temperatures weren't that bad; last week however, I believe we broke 100 degrees again.  But, we did our best not to complain or grumble (Emily did a better job than me :)  Our plan was to put up with the heat 'till next year and buy a new one then.  Today, 9/6/10, my supervisor from work calls me out of the blue and says that her sister, whom she was visiting for the holiday, bought a window unit last year but hardly used it because soon after buying it they put in central air; and they wanted to get rid of it.  My supervisor remembered me talking about what happened to ours and she asked if we would like it.  I told her that we would be willing to pay for it, and to find out from her sister how much she wanted for it.  My supervisor then said that she would ask her sister, but that she thought her sister didn't want the money, just someone to take it.  Later tonight, my supervisor called me and asked if she could drop it off at our house on her way home from her sister's; and that her sister, in fact, did not want any money.  What we got was a Kenmore window unit, just the right size to replace what we had.  In fact it is 50BTU's more than what we had before, and it looks as good as new!  God is good, and he cares about His children.  The truth is, we never prayed about a new air conditioner, we were just a peace about getting one next year.  I am reminded of the Scripture that says, "Men shall give into your bosom."  
Praise the Lord, 

Steve & Emily H.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Treasure Hunt - Testimony 2

Last Tuesday night a group of about ten people from Harvest went out Treasure Hunting (for explanation of Treasure Hunting, see blog titled "Treasure Hunt - Testimony 1).  For one of the women, it was her first time out and she had really struggled about going.  As she was walking out of Walmart she saw a woman in a motorized cart.   She felt to pray for her.  She and two others followed her to her car and asked if they could pray for her.  The woman was very excited because just that week she was considering suicide and had asked God to show her a sign that He cared.  They were able to listen to her hurt and pain, pray with her and challenge her to keep praying that God would show Himself to her.

So my question is, "What would have happened if she had not gone on the Treasure Hunt?"  Interestingly, more and more I believe that God just needs a willing body to carry forth His purposes.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lyme Disease Healed

My story of healing from Lyme Disease: On Sunday June 27 I came to church with less than a worshipful attitude, but worship began to break me and I ended up in a state of intense repentance. After worship time the pastor stood up to preach when his father in law stood and asked if he could say something. The pastor agreed and his father in law (James) began sharing a vision he had of God as a surgeon, amputating parts of us in order to save the whole person. It ended with him weeping on his knees. Shortly after this another woman in the church stood and shared a similar vision of amputation during the civil war. It spiraled from there. People began weeping and the pastor opened up the front of the church to anyone who felt a need (specifically mentioning healing as one). I knew I should go forward but felt very timid. God revealed that I had been essentially holding on to my disease. He really showed me my fear of letting it go. It dawned on me that I had never even prayed for healing. So, I went forward, weeping, and laid at the front of the church.

After a few moments laying on my stomach in front of the church, and silently praying for healing from the Lyme the same lady who had the word about amputation walked up to me and placed her hand on my back. She began praying for healing (I had not told her why I was weeping, and what I was praying for). Almost immediately my body began to shake uncontrollably. It was like every muscle in my body was tensing and releasing spasmodically over and over. She continued to pray for healing throughout my body, and astoundingly began telling me it was ok to let the disease go (as though she had read my mind). As I lay there shaking I felt the Lord telling me that the disease was as much a spiritual issue as it was a physical issue. He revealed to me that it was something that had followed my family for generations, and I distinctly remember thinking "it's a spirit of infirmity". No sooner had a thought this than the lady (Karen) began saying things like "we renounce this spirit of infirmity that has followed Maggie's family". At this point my level of belief had jumped through the roof. I had been fighting resistance, still vaguely feeling that maybe this was all just emotions... I was just imagining it... but her apparent mind reading began squelching those thoughts. And then... the final blow to my doubt came... as I lay with my arms above my head my right shoulder (which has been injured since highschool) began radiating pain. I began thinking "well, the Lord is going to heal my Lyme but I guess I still have to deal with this stupid shoulder". Almost immediately Karen then laid her hand on my right shoulder and began praying for healing in all the bones, joints and muscles. It was almost too much for me to handle. While I lay there my Pastor prayed over me and gave me a word of knowledge on my behalf, and James also came over to join in the prayer for healing. After about fifteen minutes of this the atmosphere changed. As though on cue my body slowly stopped shaking as Karen began praying for peace, strength and a deeper impression of the Holy Spirit in my life.

When everything was over I shared my testimony in front of the church in accordance with my belief that I am now Lyme and shoulder injury free. Since then I have had no real shoulder pain to speak of and absolutely no fever (which is the first time in almost a year that I have not run a fever). Not only have I not been running a fever, my body temperature is lower than I had realized, holding steady at 97.5 or so, when I used to think it must be naturally 99.0 because it was always in the 99's. Months later and I am still praising the Lord for my miracle.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Deaf Ear Healed!

In July, a bunch of us from Harvest went to Curitiba, Brazil with a little over 200 (mostly) American youth with an organization called Global Awakening. It was an amazing opportunity to minister to people and see miracles and healings. On one occasion, at a smaller church near the end of the trip, our team was doing time of ministry at the end of the service and we were generally praying for both physical and emotional healings. A man in his mid 40s came up to me and told the translator that he was mostly deaf in his left ear. He said he had about 12% hearing in that ear. I was kinda nervous because I had never prayed for a deaf ear before and didn't have too much faith for it. But I went ahead and prayed anyway and after a short while had the translator ask him if he felt anything. He said he felt nothing, so I prayed again. This time he said he had about 40% hearing. I thanked God and blessed what he was doing and prayed again. There was no change. We prayed again. He was up to 60%. The man also said he was feeling heat in his ear. Praise God! Again, I thanked God and blessed it and asked for more. No change again, but we prayed again. This time he was at 80%! I asked if he was satisfied or if he wanted to keep going. (He said keep going of course.) So I prayed again and it was up to 90%!! He also said that when we were praying he felt something go "pop" and open up in his ear that had been closed before! It was awesome.

Worship Till Heaven Falls - Night 1

This past Wednesday night, some of the young people decided to get together, play worship music, worship till heaven comes down and then see how the Holy Spirit leads.  After worshiping for over an hour they decided to pray for one of the girls who was leaving to spend a year working as a nanny in Germany.  They asked her if she needed anything and she responded that she has scoliosis and needed healing for that.  As they prayed for her, she began to feel heat all in the area of where the curvature was in her spine.  After prayer, her friends who had known her all her life and knew of the curve in her spine could not find the curve, her spine felt perfectly straight!

Treasure Hunt - Testimony 1

My husband was preparing to go out Treasure Hunting with a few others from church.  (Treasure Hunting is where we ask the Lord, before we go out, to give us clues to who He desires for us to minister to.  Sometimes we will feel led to go to a certain store or maybe what a person is wearing or looks like.  The ultimate goal is to love up on people, pray for healing, needs or concerns and lead them into an encounter with a living, breathing God! )  Anyway, back this testimony.   After a quick dinner, we asked our children if they would ask for God for clues to who the team should minister to that night.  Almost immediately, our daughter says, "Can I say something?  Go to Walmart.  When you walk in, go around the corner and there will be a person sitting there that is sad."
Later that night, the team went to Walmart ( because of what she said).  My husband picked the middle entrance, went in, went around the corner to the right and into the Pharmacy.  Right there on a bench, waiting for a prescription, was a women and she was obviously sad.  Knowing that this was what our daughter had saw, my husband had the pleasure of sharing with this woman that God saw her and wanted to comfort and heal her.   The woman was greatly encouraged and thankful.  Yes!
One more thing, as I was putting our daughter to bed, she asked me, "Did Daddy find that woman?"  I was amazed because he had just text me from Walmart to say he found this women who was sad, but our daughter had originally never said it was a woman!
This and many more experiences like this, have led me to know, the Holy Spirit is heard by our children and many times clearer than what we hear!
Freda Thomas