Free Air Conditioner Right Out of the Blue!
A couple of weeks ago our window unit in the living room, which is used to cool 90% of our living space, stopped working properly. We took it out, replaced it with a window fan and started shopping around. Not only were we not able to find a new one in our price range, but all the stores we went to were sold out and not restocking since it was late in the season. Being the end of the season, Emily and I resigned to fans, pulled blinds during the day, and open windows at night. The first week without it was OK, the temperatures weren't that bad; last week however, I believe we broke 100 degrees again. But, we did our best not to complain or grumble (Emily did a better job than me :) Our plan was to put up with the heat 'till next year and buy a new one then. Today, 9/6/10, my supervisor from work calls me out of the blue and says that her sister, whom she was visiting for the holiday, bought a window unit last year but hardly used it because soon after buying it they put in central air; and they wanted to get rid of it. My supervisor remembered me talking about what happened to ours and she asked if we would like it. I told her that we would be willing to pay for it, and to find out from her sister how much she wanted for it. My supervisor then said that she would ask her sister, but that she thought her sister didn't want the money, just someone to take it. Later tonight, my supervisor called me and asked if she could drop it off at our house on her way home from her sister's; and that her sister, in fact, did not want any money. What we got was a Kenmore window unit, just the right size to replace what we had. In fact it is 50BTU's more than what we had before, and it looks as good as new! God is good, and he cares about His children. The truth is, we never prayed about a new air conditioner, we were just a peace about getting one next year. I am reminded of the Scripture that says, "Men shall give into your bosom."
Praise the Lord,
Steve & Emily H.
Steve & Emily H.